Validation of SIMBA capsules for small intestine sampling

The aim of this research and development project for the intern student is to assist in validation tests (both in-vitro and in-vivo) of a GI sampling capsule device being developed by the organization and translate the testing results and the new knowledge to technical documents for the potential customers and partners of the organization. In-vitro tests involve a series of functional tests of the capsule components and the performance tests of the capsule assembly. The safety validation study will be performed in a small patient populationto verify that the capsule passes safely through the digestive tract. The study will also demonstrate collection accuracy in a first North American data set and will verify that the samples collected in the small intestine are representative of gut status.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kristina Rinker;Christopher Andrews


Jacob Kennard


Nimble Science Ltd.


Engineering - biomedical


Professional, scientific and technical services


University of Calgary



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