Understanding collaborative community-based mental health services for adults 50 and over in the South Okanagan through an environmental scan and social network analysis

Mental health is an important health issue. Adults 50 and over with a mental health concern, particularly in rural communities have unique challenges. In the South Okanagan, research found there was a lack of community services/supports available and organizations offering these services and supports did not work well together. The aim of this study is to identify current services/supports for adults 50 and over with a mental health concern in the South Okanagan and to understand how organizations offering these services/supports work together. Through interviews and focus groups we will develop a comprehensive list of services/supports available for our target population. We will also determine the linkages and the strength between organizations through a specialized technique referred to as social network analysis. Our partner will receive a listing of services/supports available in the South Okanagan and have opportunities to network with community organization representatives.

Faculty Supervisor:

Nelly Oelke


Verity Teagle


BC Schizophrenia Society Penticton Branch




Medical devices




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