Toward an Understanding of Beautiful Feather Cover in Laying Hens – Year Two

Feather pecking (FP) in egg-laying hens, where individuals peck at other birds to pull out and eat their feathers, is a challenge for the sector with large economic and welfare implications. It is especially of concern in systems where birds are housed in large social groups as it is harder to control.
With new policies in Canada leading to the transition from conventional cage to alternative housing systems, it becomes imperative to reduce the risk of large scale FP outbreaks. This project aims to develop a Canadian FP Management Plan (CFMP) by identifying risk factors for FP in alternative housing systems while developing an illustrated guide for farmers to assess plumage condition. This will be translated into the CFMP and provide the Egg Farmers of Canada (EFC) with advice on how to prevent/redu

Faculty Supervisor:

Alexandra Harlander


Nienke van Staaveren


Egg Farmers of Canada


Animal science






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