Tools for Enhancement of Power System Security

The aim of the proposed research cluster is to advance the state of the art of secure operation of power systems by developing new methods and tools. A power system is expected to perform within specified operating boundaries of system voltage and frequency under normal conditions when there are no component outages. Further, it should also be able to deliver the same performance under single outages that are most likely to occur. Two ways of advancing the state of the art will be addressed in this research cluster. Firstly, advanced techniques and software tools will be developed for monitoring and assessing the security state of the power system. In the second approach, advanced controllers will be developed to control modern power flow control devices in the power system to achieve improved system stability. The developed simulation tools and software components will be used by the partner organizations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. U.D. Annakkage


Janath Geeganage, Arunprasanth Sakthivel & Akbo Rupasinghe


Manitoba Hydro


Engineering - computer / electrical




University of Manitoba



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