The travel behaviour of recent immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area

The proposed research will explore how diverse recent immigrant populations in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) use the transportation system to meet their daily-life needs.  The objectives are to explore how these groups make use of surrounding urban environments, provide a description of the processes used to secure transportation and the barriers faced, and examine the differences in experience across various urban and suburban jurisdictions.  Certain findings will have implications for low-income households in gernal, and for other groups with limited driving ability.  The proposed project has farreaching implications for the livability of the GTA, but also for the environmental sustainability of a region that has for many years been overly dependent on the use of private automobiles for travel.  The resources and training supplied by MITACS will ensure that this project fulfills its goals and that further headway is made in terms of improving transportation networks in the GTA.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Paul M. Hess


Reihane Marzoughi



Urban studies


Automotive and transportation


University of Toronto



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