The International Centre for Northern Governance and Development Masters Degree Cluster 2012-2013

The Master in Northern Governance and Development (MNGD) is a project-based, interdisciplinary program meant to build capacity among northerners in northern Saskatchewan through a blended delivery model including face-to-face, videoconferencing, online and international field school instruction. The 2012-2013 internship research project will contribute to the MNGD graduate students’ research through the examination of community-based responses to rapid change and the development of the local capacity to respond. The project will evaluate the current and potential capacity of northern stakeholders to engage in relationships and implement processes, policies and practices that build resilient and sustainable communities. This analysis will function at the level of the community, and thus, will be informed by their values and interests. Specifically, the objectives of this research cluster are to: assess current community-based, capacity-building programs; explore the viability of implementing new programs; evaluate the overall significance and prevalence of self-reliance and local ownership over community development; and evaluate the strategies for adapting, adjusting and accommodating to rapid change and identified risk factors.

This research is of benefit to the partner organization, Cameco Corporation, and to all Canadians primarily because it utilizes a new approach to dealing with pressing public policy issues that have implications not only for northern Saskatchewan, but for all of Canada, especially its northern and remote regions. In particular, the research will cover a diverse range of topics involving economic development, labour market development, housing, food security, language retention and education and training. The common denominator amongst these topics is their overall contribution to resilient and sustainable community development, which is a fundamental issue that concerns business and governments locally, provincially and nationally in Canada.

Faculty Supervisor:

Drs .Bonita Beatty, Ken Coates, Greg Poelzer, James Irvine, Douglas Clark, Carin Holroyd & Gary Wilson


Sylvia Harris, Denise Dodds, Arlene Hansen, Lorna Lemaigre, Josephine McKay, Lori Peters-Whiteman, Debra Ross, Thomas Sierzycki, Jocelyne Wasacase-Merasty


Cameco Corporation


Social work


Mining and quarrying


University of Saskatchewan



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