The human dimensions of wetlands and waterfowl conservation: Developing measures of stakeholder involvement in conservation activities and nature-based recreation

The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) is an international partnership to conserve abundant and resilient waterfowl populations and sustainable landscapes. Through their work with the four Canadian NAWMP Joint Ventures, Ducks Unlimited Canada collaborate on waterfowl and habitat management issues, including social issues that are relevant to wetland and waterfowl conservation. This project will increase the human dimensions capacity of the Joint Venture community and develop and measure repeatable indicators of conservation and nature-based recreation involvement among wetlands and waterfowl conservation stakeholders in Canada. This project involves three studies that will (1) identify relevant stakeholders with interests in waterfowl and wetlands conservation, (2) identify measures of conservation and nature-based recreation involvement, and (3) test and implement these measures in a national web-based survey of waterfowl and wetlands conservation stakeholders.

Faculty Supervisor:

Howard Harshaw


Katherine Sainsbury


Ducks Unlimited Canada





University of Alberta



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