Recovery of Base Metals from Coverter Slags

The project to be undertaken will aid in the replacement of a conventional practice of pyrometallurgical treatment of a semi-waste product (converter slag) Converter slags contain up to ~3% of No, Co and CU, and are generated in large quantities making it uneconomical to leave the metals unrecovered. The conventional technology for metal recovery results in technological and environmental complications, such as recycling of impurities as well as uncontrollable release of fugitive SO2 into the atmosphere. Pressure oxidative acid leaching, the alternative technology proposed, is superior to the conventional technology in terms of its environmental impact, and, perhaps, costs. Two cost-saving options for the proposed technology are to be tested during the internship period: 1. Addition of pyrrhotite tailings, a waste of ore processing, will reduce the amount of acid required for pressure oxidative leaching. 2. Slag granulation will aid in the reduction of slag grinding costs.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Vladimiros G. Papangelakis


Ilya Perederiy


Vale Inco




Mining and quarrying


University of Toronto



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