Radiation Mapping from Aerial Data

The proposed project is focused on the development of software for accurate mapping of radiation levels on the ground using aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for data collection. The problem of accurate radiation mapping is crucial for handling emergency radiological incidents (e.g., on nuclear plants), monitoring national borders, operating nuclear mine sites, etc. The goal of this project is to develop a new algorithm that improves on existing methods for airborne radiation mapping with more sophisticated models and to implement the new algorithm in a software package able to build contour maps of radiation levels, possibly identify radioactive elements, and prepare the output data for use in augmented reality systems. This developed algorithm and software developed during this project will be used by the partner organization, Environmental Instruments Canada, in their UAV sensor package in order to enhance its capabilities and make it a more compelling product.

Faculty Supervisor:

Raymond Spiteri;Andrei Smolyakov


Oleksandr Chapurin


Environmental Instruments Canada Inc.





University of Saskatchewan



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