Past, present and future land-use in the Adirondack – Laurentians Ecological Corridor: Identifying risk areas for loss of connectivity due to roads and development and proposing proactive mitigation measures

The Adirondack ? Laurentians corridor is a natural ecological corridor that flows from the Adirondack Mountains of upper New York State, USA to Mont Tremblant National Park in Qu?bec, Canada. This region boasts a wide variety of habitats that still maintain ecological integrity and are rich in biodiversity. Recent growth in population, however, is causing a rise in development (roads, buildings, and other land-use changes). The Adirondack ? Laurentians Ecological Corridor is one of five north-south wildlife corridors for animal movement in Qu?bec, and thus, there is growing concern to identify and protect the connectivity of the landscape to ensure the preservation of the corridor. This project will aim to quantify the degree of urban development on the focal landscape and produce maps of future development scenarios. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Jochen Jaeger


Jonathan Cole


Nature Conservancy Canada


Environmental sciences


Environmental industry




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