Novaxe gesture toolkit

The Novaxe gesture toolkit will be developed conjointly between the music faculty of university of Montreal and OMP Music. This project proposes to develop a hardware and software kit for the automatic transcription and evaluation of gestural parameters of the guitar performance. This will be part of the Novaxe project, an online social network virtual environment for guitar learning relying on an innovative notation system and pedagogy developed by the Vandendool Studio over years of teaching experience. Other notation systems and learning environments lack gestural information. The gesture toolkit will tremendously contribute to distinguish Novaxe from other available product in three ways. First, by providing an automatic tool for score transcription. Second, by augmenting the score with fully navigable multimedia and motion capture information. Third, by providing realtime feedback to learner, therefore rebuilding the apprentice-master link that is otherwise broken in online learning.

Faculty Supervisor:

Caroline Traube


Anne-Marie Burns


OMP Music




Media and communications


Université de Montréal



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