Mechanisms involved in triggering the rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine

Currently, the gold standard pharmacological treatment for depression typically take several weeks before becoming effective. This delayed treatment onset can be devastating because of increased rates of suicide during this wait-period. Thus, there is a need for rapid acting antidepressant drug treatments. Strikingly, a single infusion of ketamine can result in alleviation of depressive symptoms within hours. However, the effectiveness of this drug fades away over time. The intern will participate in ground-breaking research focused on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms associated with ketamine’s rapid action of onset, as well as what is occurring in the brain when it stops working. This research will be published in freely accessible journals providing Canadian clinicians with access to this information, providing them with enhanced treatment strategies. Research results can be relevant for the partner organization Janssen Canada by providing further understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the rapid action of onset of novel antidepressants.

Faculty Supervisor:

Pierre Blier


Stephen Daniels


Janssen Inc.


Biochemistry / Molecular biology




University of Ottawa



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