Improvements of in-situ sve remediation management using integrated simulation and risk assessment approaches at the cantuar site

SaskEnergy developed an in-situ remediation program using a soil vapour extraction (SVE) system to facilitate recovery of petroleum hydrocarbons at the Cantuar Site. One of main problems associated with this program is the deficiency in the knowledge of process control based on the fate and transport of contaminants, and effective studies for assessing the environmental and health risks/impacts. Many questions remain to be answered, such as: “Whether the SVE system is suitable for remediation of the Cantuar Site to current environmental guidelines?”, “How long will it take to reach the guidelines with the existing remediation efficiency?”, “Is there potential for future impacts on the surrounding community?”, etc. Answers to these questions will help site mangers & decision makers get insight into current site situations. These will be very helpful when discussing the problems and the relevant decisions with the local authorities. The proposal aims to solve such practical problems and can be applied at similar contaminated sites in western Canada.

Faculty Supervisor:

Gordon Huang


Yurui Fan




Environmental sciences




University of Regina



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