Implementing object tracking in head-mounted video capture for eyegaze tracking

Head-mounted eyegaze tracking allows experimenters to record the eye movements of a wearer while he interacts with a real situated environment. Analysis of the eye movements however, is difficult since motion of the wearer’s head causes objects to move relative to the head-mounted video camera. The focus of this project is to implement object recognition and motion tracking in video recorded from the head-mounted camera. Motion in the recorded environment will be matched to user’s eye movements to determine which particular object a person is looking at. This will be an improvement to Locarna’s current software in that it will allow experimenters to more reliably capture a user’s focal attention on both static and moving objects, while allowing the user to move his head freely during recording.head-mounted video camera. The focus of this project is to implement object recognition and motion tracking in video recorded from the head-mounted camera. Motion in the recorded environment will be matched to user’s eye movements to determine which particular object a person is looking at. This will be an improvement to Locarna’s current software in that it will allow experimenters to more reliably capture a user’s focal attention on both static and moving objects, while allowing the user to move his head freely during recording.

Faculty Supervisor:

Stella Atkins


Geoffrey Tien


Locarna Systems


Engineering - computer / electrical


Information and communications technologies


Simon Fraser University



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