Implementation of Photonic Computing Chip (IPCC)

The IPCC project aims to utilize the advancements in lasers, optics and semiconductor fabrication facilities to deliver a computing chip that uses laser instead on electrical signals to perform computations. The new paradigm of computation execution allows computations to be performed much faster at lower energy consumption which directly leads to lower costs for computations. The advantage is particularly huge for AI computations. The Interns will perform research work to design, fabricate and test the new chip and develop software that allow using this chip efficiently. The partner organization directly benefits from the interns’ expertise to accelerate the development of the photonic computing chips allowing the company faster entry to market. In this process the company will provide the global community an access for faster and cheaper computations.

Faculty Supervisor:

Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur


Mohammad Reza Safaee


TandemLaunch Technologies Inc.


Engineering - computer / electrical


Professional, scientific and technical services


McGill University



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