High-resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and its Application to Salt Marsh Restoration

Salt marshes are recognized as significant feeding grounds and refuges for wildlife and for their importance in flood mitigation, carbon sequestration and as filters for removing pollutants and suspended sediments. With growing interest in, and efforts towards, dyke removal and salt marsh restoration, there is a need for science-based management decisions to ensure appropriate site-specific restoration activities. This project proposes to incorporate relatively new remote sensing technology (LiDAR), aerial photographs, satellite imagery, flood models and field collected data for validation. This approach aims to assess the effects of salt marsh restoration activities on the restored lands, including re-vegetation patterns. It will also provide an improved means of predicting the “success” of various salt marsh restoration activities before ground-work commences.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Anna Redden


Koreen Millard


Ducks Unlimited Canada




Fisheries and wildlife


Acadia University



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