Greening the Canadian Landscape

Urbanization is rapidly increasing in Canada and these areas are confronting major challenges associated with climatic change. Canadian cities must navigate these challenges and may also significantly contribute to mitigation efforts. However, municipalities and developers lack the state-of-the-art information, policies, and resources necessary to be successful in this endeavour. This research project uses a case study approach to establish state of the art in relation to four themes (low-impact development, stewardship, community well-being, natural assets), consider each in terms of resilience, establish an evidence base of best-practice, execute active experimental trials, and monitor/evaluate their performance. The case study focuses on Prudhommes Landing, a significant Lake Ontario waterfront development. Knowledge generated will be transferable to developments elsewhere, provide a basis for evidence-based decisions, and influence the uptake of best practices. The project will contribute to Vineland’s core mandate for applied research and enhance their industry leader position in resilient landscapes.

Faculty Supervisor:

Ryan Plummer


Sivajanani Sivarajah


Vineland Research and Innovation Centre


Environmental sciences



Brock University



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