Framework for dialogue and learning with parents and professionals in the Central Okanagan; an examination of learning (related to stigmatization) across relations of power

This research will create opportunities for reflection and dialogue with a group of professionals in the Central Okanagan regarding parentsÂ’ perceptions and experiences of stigmatization. Dialogue will focus on enhancing professionals’ understanding of underlying structural and social factors contributing to stigmatization and the implications of this understanding for their practice.
The research draws from Participatory Action Research and Critical Pedagogy. Methods used will be narratives and focus group discussions.
CATCH and SB6 are coalitions that bring stakeholders together to address Early Childhood Development and parenting in the Central Okanagan. The Bridge and the United Way, the registered agencies supporting CATCH and SB6, will benefit from a more comprehensive knowledge through this project to enhance the relevancy, efficiency and effectiveness of the practices to support parenting. Apart from The Bridge and the United Way, all other agencies, connected through CATCH and SB6, will equally benefit from knowledge collectively generated.

Faculty Supervisor:

Judy Gillespie


Menno Salverda


Bridge Youth & Family Services Society


Social work


Service industry




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