Exploring the Utility of TVISFD with MLSE LaunchPad in Moss Park

MLSE LaunchPad is a sport for development (SFD) organization in Moss Park, Toronto that uses sport and physical activity to build healthy communities. A trauma- and violence- informed approach is a treatment practice used to provide safe and inclusive spaces for traumatized youth, however, it is rarely incorporated in SFD programs. In collaboration with MLSE Launchpad, this research will explore how trauma- and violence- informed approaches are used in SFD to prevent gender-based violence and intersecting health inequities. Research participants will engage in arts-based methods and interviews to discuss their experiences in sports programming, including how their gender identities have impacted their experiences, and how these programs have impacted their health and well-being.

Faculty Supervisor:

Lyndsay Hayhurst


Julia Ferreira Gomes


MLSE LaunchPad




Arts, entertainment and recreation


York University



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