Exploration of innovative sustainability-based wine shop strategies

This project will focus in new product/services development based on customer preferences and experiences in the wine shop. With this we intend to get insights into what current Cedar Creek customers are interested in with regards to potential new products and services. In particular, we want to understand the potential for offering new products and services focused in the concept of sustainability. Furthermore, we want to understand what are the motivations that would foster a customer to purchase a sustainably-produced wine. This will help build a better understanding of the different customer profiles and will be key input for constructing a set of new (or improving current) wine shop services and products. Overall, this project will give recommendations as to further improve the current wine shop customer experience. This will provide valuable data and insights for both the organization and the intern for research purposes.

Faculty Supervisor:

Annamma Joy


Camilo Pena


CedarCreek Estate Winery




Environmental industry




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