Effects of Trail Density on Biodiversity

The relationship of biodiversity to trail density (e.g. meters of trail per hectare) will be the focus of this internship, an attempt to determine the carrying capacity of ecosystems for trail density. The following tasks will be undertaken: 1) A focused literature search on selected trail management, focusing on trail density; 2) The design of the study based on literature and advisory team recommendations; 3) The collection of primary data and compilation of secondary information to support the study; 4) Data analysis and interpretation; 5) The documentation of the research and production of a concise study report; and 5) The presentation of results to TRCA staff and a stewardship group. The TRCA can use the results of the Study to update three levels of guiding documents, as follows: the Conservation Land Management Strategy, Management Plans and Trail Planning and Design Guidelines.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. George Arhonditsis


Mohammad Tarique Kamal


Toronto and Region Conservation Authority


Geography / Geology / Earth science


Environmental industry


University of Toronto



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