“Dinner in the Street”: dining outdoors safely in the post-Covid city

Working closely with me, the two interns will have an opportunity to engage with a timely question engendered by the global pandemic: What is changing in our approach to the public realm, and how can we embrace these changes as positive forces in urban design. We will be working quickly on a time-sensitive challenge, in ways that bridge the conceptual thinking that characterizes architectural education with the pragmatic and pressing problem of a local economy in distress. The resulting proposal will incorporate suggested modifications to Ottawa’s zoning by-laws.
The project will benefit the partner organizations in two distinct ways: by showing them new modes of analytical and design expression by current students of architecture at Carleton, and by encouraging them to explore the post-Covid social contract of physical distancing in positive ways, through their own architectural practices, and through their agency in encouraging the City of Ottawa to modify its local codes.

Faculty Supervisor:

Jill Stoner


Shelby Hagerman;Rehab Salama


Roderick Lahey Architects Inc.


Architecture and design


Construction and infrastructure


Carleton University



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