Digital vs classical humanitarianism. Mobilizing Doctors Without Borders, digital humanitarians and evidence-based study to guide a crucial analysis on the effectiveness of data collection and treatment in emergency. Project 1: Case study: 2015 earthquake

Obtaining reliable information is crucial for humanitarian workers who aim to respond to a catastrophic situation. In this context, there are many possible sources of information (e.g., local population; journalists; authorities), but only a limited time to gather data, analyze them and respond to the situation. Since 2010, a new way of gathering data has emerged called the digital humanitarianism (DH) where digital technologies are used to collect and treat information. Considering this new reality, traditional ways are challenged. Is the digital humanitarian proposal of using artificial intelligence, big data and crowdsourcing via the internet something to be embraced? My research aims to compare the reliability of the data from traditional and digital humanitarians. This will help the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders to be sure that any investment in digital initiatives enhances the organization ability to deliver its core mission rather than diluting its focus.

Faculty Supervisor:

François Claveau


Jean-François Dubé


Doctors Without Borders




Management of companies and enterprises


Université de Sherbrooke



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