Development & Pilot Evaluation of an Online Peer Support Program for Family Caregivers of Ventilator-Assisted Individuals Living in the Community – Year two

Although ventilator-assisted individuals (VAIs) prefer to live and die at home, the family members who care for them often experience stress and poor health. Peer support can mitigate health declines by decreasing caregiversÂ’ isolation and increasing their sense of control. However, no peer support programs exist for this caregiving population. Online support can especially overcome geographic and time limitations that caregivers face. The proposed research aims to develop and conduct a pilot RCT evaluation of an online peer support program for VAI caregivers. This peer support program can improve the well-being of caregivers and allow them to better care for their family members.

Faculty Supervisor:

Louise Rose


Marina Wasilewski


Saint Elizabeth Health Care




Medical devices




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