Developing soft, penetrable nanogel-based anti-infective coatings

The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as increasing microbial resistance to antibiotics, has highlighted our vulnerability to the spread of infectious diseases. Suncor has developed a photodynamic bioactive can prevent microbial growth on high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, railings, and keypads. In collaboration with Dr. Todd Hoareā€™s group at McMaster University, this efficacious compound will be encapsulated into nanogels and formulated as a sprayable coating that can adhere to smooth, high-touch surfaces and facilitate sustained release of antimicrobial agents while retaining its mechanical durability, all of which are essential for the commercial efficacy of an anti-infective coating. Based on this collaboration, we aim to generate 3-4 effective lead formulations to take forward into more detailed large-scale/commercialization studies. We anticipate these developments would have significant economic impacts for Canada (in terms of preventing biofilm formation on key surfaces of interest like pipelines, reactors, etc.) as well as health impacts in terms of improved sanitation in vulnerable sectors such as schools, hospitals and long-term care centres.

Faculty Supervisor:

Todd Ryan Hoare


Madeline Simpson


Suncor Energy Inc


Engineering - chemical / biological



McMaster University


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