Developing a newly tunable Phase-Mask Interferometer for Fiber Bragg Grating inscription – Year two

Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have attracted considerable interest in the past three decades as a key technology in different applications. The intention of this project is to develop a FBG writing technique based on a scanning tunable Phase-Mask Interferometer using different UV lasers. The project includes optimizing the tunability of the interferometer, and analyzing the specific problem situations encountered in the process in order to develop the interrogation methods of the proposed technique. The candidate will improve the flexibility and the ease of use of the device to fabricate different types of FBGs and to adapt many FBGs based applications. Also, the candidate will design the strategic planning of the product to the particular circumstances. The project helps the partner to offer a wider selection to the target customers taking particular pride in more efficient services such as special orders as well as a stable, and knowledgeable sales.

Faculty Supervisor:

Ke Wu


Mohamad Diaa Baiad


PhotoNova Inc.


Engineering - computer / electrical


Information and communications technologies




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