Designing an urban analytics prototype for the measurement of temporary public space projects

Our parks, public spaces and their activations can catalyze neighborhoods to build connections and create stronger communities. However, it is often challenging to measure the impact and value of these projects, at a neighbourhood level.
This project looks to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of public space initiatives, focusing on the short and long-term impact and value of permanent and temporary installations and how they impact communities.
The final result will be an urban analytics prototype to better capture data, visualize the data and draw insights of the possible impacts of public space projects, at a community level.
This project will assist those working in the built environment to understand the community level impact of installations in public spaces through the compilation urban data to better plan, develop and deliver projects.

Faculty Supervisor:

Suzanne Stein


Molly Connor


Park People




Arts, entertainment and recreation


OCAD University



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