Data collection to support an oyster aquaculture development area

The Nova Scotia Municipality of Argyle is exploring the potential of establishing the province’s first shellfish Aquaculture Development Area (ADA) in Lobster Bay. If an ADA is approved, individual site and lease applications benefit from an expedited licensing process. Spatial marine planning is required for ADA approval and must consider oceanographic data, ecological data, and stakeholder interests. Data that exist are often housed in multiple platforms. Extensive collection, consolidation and assessment is required to identify data gaps. This initial data identification and assessment effort is not trivial, and crucial to guide additional field sampling efforts needed for spatial planning. Consequently, this initial project phase is well suited for a student intern, who will gain valuable marine spatial planning and shellfish aquaculture experience. In turn, the intern will provide a valuable service for the Centre of Marine Applied Research by helping CMAR’s mandate of furthering sustainable aquaculture development as a point contact for scientific collaboration with Dalhousie University and the Municipality of Argyle.

Faculty Supervisor:

Ramon Filgueira


James Cunningham


Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc




Information and cultural industries


Dalhousie University



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