Core Values & Core Work: Recognizing the Person in the Employee

An organization’s greatest strength are employees who live their values, who feel valued, and whose ideas are valuable to the continued success of their workplace. On an individual level, the alignment of personal values with the work undertaken is essential to achieve personal and professional potential as well as job satisfaction and general well-being.
In the current study we assess engineering employee?s core values and how they are realized in their work environment by applying a multi-method approach. Furthermore, links will be drawn from the alignment of these values to the employee’s job satisfaction and also between employees? personality traits and values.
Envisioned outcomes include discovering how engineering employees’ values align with their roles/positions and what that means for the impact on society they can have. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Kristen Dunfield


Astrid Kleis


Engineers Without Borders Canada







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