Conductance detection using granular films

Universal NanoSensor Technologies (UNS-Tech) develops and commercializes microfabricated conductivity detectors. In this MITACS project, UNS-Tech will partner with Prof. Cynthia to explore new detector architectures based on nano-particle and nano-shell films. The results will be analyzed and the findings will be published in scientific journals. The intern participating in this cluster will benefit from this internship by gaining tremendous knowledge of electronics-based detectors. They will gain invaluable experience and enhance their training as highly qualified personnel as they prepare to enter the Canadian work force. UNS-Tech – an Ontario-based start-up – will benefit by exploring granular metal film-based architectures for potential sensor application. Achieving successful proof-of-principle tests in a university setting would be a critical benchmark for UNS-Tech before moving onto product development and beta tests. Development of beta phase products and, thereafter, successful commercialization will require employing more Ontarians and will, in turn, benefit both Ontario and Canada.

Faculty Supervisor:

Cynthia Goh


Monique Tie


Universal NanoSensor Technologies (UNS – Tech)






University of Toronto



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