Collaborative Indigenous Media and Museums: Participatory Multimedia Production for Indigenous Art and Cultural Heritage

The Bill Reid Gallery (BRG) is a Vancouver based public art gallery committed to the display of contemporary cultural heritage of Coastal First Nations. In addition to traditional gallery exhibitions and programing, the BRG also creates an accessible archive for the communities they serve, the city of Vancouver and the general public.
This Elevate fellowship will support the applicant in the role of Visiting Media Curator at the BRG. Specifically, it will: 1) support the BRG in producing multimedia installations documenting the intangible qualities of the arts of First Nations; 2) facilitate BRG collaborations with First Nations artists and broader Indigenous communities; 3) assess the role of interactive media in its ability to engage intangible cultural knowledge audiences, impact visitation and raise funds for future projects. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Kate Hennessy


Kadeer Ayinuerguli


Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art



Aboriginal affairs




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