Cisgenic AG704.10 potato cultivar with enhanced late blight resistance and mineral bioavailability

Potato crop suffers from several devastating diseases. Genetic resistance is the best way to manage these diseases but potato is sexually quite incompatible. A novel technology called genome editing offers genetic improvement, similar to conventional breeding, where the susceptible genes in a cultivar are cut and replaced with disease resistance genes from another cultivar, with no change to rest of the genome. These resistance genes come from another potato cultivar, thus called cisgenics (Genetically Engineered Crop = GEC), unlike transgenics where the resistance gene can come from bacteria or other organisms (Genetically modified crop = GMC). In addition, the bioavailability of minerals will be improved by silencing an antinutrient phytate which also binds minerals. The genome editing proposed here will be conducted in consultation with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The protocols have been, some being, standardized for developing cisgenic Russet Burbank, our model cultivar, will be followed to develop cisgenic AG704.10 cultivar. Student-intern gets state-of-the-art technology training and industry work experience. The company gets a lead in producing a potato cultivar resistant to devastating potato diseases, especially in South American countries. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Ajjamada Kushalappa


Sripad Joshi


Progest 2001 Inc






McGill University



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