Assessing Gaps and Opportunities: Industry Knowledge and Capacity for Large-Scale Heat Pump Uptake

This research is based on the recognition that heat pump technology has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, while providing space heating, space cooling and domestic hot water. Both internationally and in the Ontario context, a lack of industry knowledge and capacity has been noted to be a barrier to the uptake of heat pump technologies. This project therefore seeks to gain a better understanding of the industry knowledge and capacity gaps for heat pump retrofits in Ontario, and more specifically, in OntarioÂ’s multi-unit residential building sector. The research will investigate potential strategies for overcoming this barrier and creating greater alignment between key actors such as (but not limited to) policymakers, training/education institutions, utilities and trade associations. TO BE CONT’D

Faculty Supervisor:

Mark Winfield


Susan Wyse


Toronto and Region Conservation Authority


Environmental sciences


Alternative energy




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