
The intention of the Arch-App is to create a mobile app that utilizes geo-location and augmented reality technologies to access data (including imagery, videos, and text) on building projects throughout the city in real time. The infrastructure of the Arch-App effectively provides users a resources (ranging from historic imagery to notable interviews) and tour guides to any local landmark in the real world condensed into their smartphones.  Currently, there is no such infrastructure which, supports said goals of Arch-App. The Arch-App strives to empower people with more information on any given landmark they may come across including touristic, academic, and recreational initiatives. The intern will be conducting interviews, gathering content from the firms and compiling and uploading information to the app. The app will expose the industry to cutting-edge technology and firms involved will gain exposure to the public, educational and professional level and will have the opportunity to leave a legacy through their work.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Vincent Hui


Kevin Pu


Ontario Association of Architects


Architecture and design


Finance, insurance and business


Ryerson University



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