Analyzing a large user community using the social network analysis framework

In this project we will conduct Social network analysis (SNA) of MyCA user network, in order to assess the interplay between social influence and the diffusion of information within the MyCA platform. SNA offers a convenient method to represent and analyze interactions among the components of a system. SNA can thus provide an abstract representation of the MyCA a system, and allow us to study its function and organization. We will work with CA to determine ways to use our insights to increase participation of MyCA members such that their connections and contributions will bring overall value to the community. The results of this analysis will help us determine how to structure the platform and support community users such that greater value can be realized by community users, CA employees, and CA product owners.

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Kelly Lyons


Zack Hayat


CA Technologies Inc.


Journalism / Media studies and communication


Information and communications technologies


University of Toronto



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