An investigation into the psychometric properties of patient-oriented measures in frailty and dementia – Year Two

Patient centred measures can facilitate better health outcome$ by focusing on symptoms considered important to the patient. Goal attainment scaling (GAS), a system of goal setting which places the emphasis on the symptoms of individual patients, has been utftlzed In dementia research. However, It Ia unclear whether GAS Is atilt sensitive to symptom changes (responsiveness) when patients set one goal Instead of the recommended three or more goals. The Pictorial Fit-Frail Scale (PFFS) was developed in response to some of the limitations of commonly used frailty measures (e.g., small numbers of listed symptoms; Inappropriateness with severely frail), and Its psychometric properties (reliability, validity, and responsiveness) are unclear. As such, investigations Into the psychometric properties of one-goal GAS and the newly developed PFFS are needed. This research will help to solidify the industry partner’s position as a global leader In the field of patient-centric outcome measurement for clinical monitoring and research.

Faculty Supervisor:

Olga Theou


Lisa McGarrigle


DGI Clinical Inc




Medical devices




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