Advanced Bio-composites for automotive sector

The proposed project seeks to develop biocomposite technology and products for the auto manufacturing industries. Eight graduate students under the supervision of Dr. Mohini Sain, will work on manufacturing processes, mechanical characterization and development of molds for various types of bio-composites which have direct application in auto-industries and can act as substitute for fossil fuel based composites. The two partner organizations will be the Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials Processing (CBBP), Faculty of Forestry, Univ. of Toronto and the Center for Power Train (PERDC)

Ford Motor Co. based at Windsor. Ford Motor Co., Canada, has been interested in using biocomposites in automotive manufacturing and is therefore interested in collaboration with the University of Toronto and CBBP for the same. The above project proposal has been designed in consultation with representatives from Ford and matches their own priorities in bio-composites. 

Faculty Supervisor:

Dr. Mohini Sain


KC Birat, Robensen Cherizol, Javad Sameni, Mohammad Ferhan, Pei Yu Kuo & TBD


Ford Motor Company




Automotive and transportation


University of Toronto



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