The call for applications is now closed.
Mitacs has partnered with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), to support the mobility of students from Canadian universities to German universities and institutions.
The RISE-Globalink Research Internship (RISE-GRI) is a competitive initiative that offers undergraduate students at Canadian universities in the fields of biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, earth science, and physics the opportunity to participate in a research project supervised by a doctoral student at a German university or institution.  
The call for applications will be opened from October 15, 2024 to November 30, 2024. Applications must be submitted through the RISE Germany portal on the program website. Projects should last approximately three months (and at least 10 weeks) and must begin between May 15 and July 15, 2025.
Student eligibility
In order to be eligible for a RISE-GRI, a student must:
Please contact the RISE Germany team at if you have questions about eligibility. See Award Guidelines below.
Expectations of participants
All parties involved with Mitacs Globalink must comply with the Canadian home university’s policies regarding the ethical conduct of research and scholarly activities. Any issues or disputes around research or academic misconduct will be subject to the home Canadian university’s processes following their institutional policies.
Expectations of the student 
Prior to and during the RISE-GRI, students are expected to:
Please note that the RISE-GRI is competitive, with limited placements available. All applications will undergo review by an interdisciplinary team.
Maximum number of projects
Students cannot simultaneously hold a RISE-GRI and another Mitacs award. Students who hold another Mitacs award must complete it prior to receiving a RISE-GRI.
RISE-GRI recipients must provide an exit survey to Mitacs no later than one month after the conclusion of the project.
Undergraduate students from Canadian universities who meet all the eligibility criteria must submit a completed application via the RISE Germany online application portal. Applications are open from October 15, 2024 until November 30, 2024.
Please visit the RISE Germany website for more information about the application procedure and the internship program.
Application steps:   
a. Mitacs Student Code of Conduct and Ethics Form*
b. International Pre-Departure Form*
c. Any supplementary documents, as applicable.
*The student must not travel abroad until these documents are received.
5. The application is approved, and the final Award Letter is issued. Results are announced in Spring 2025. 
6. Successful students travel to Germany and complete their research project.
Travel to the destination prior to the issuance of the Award Letter is not permitted and Mitacs and the DAAD are not responsible for any costs incurred before the application is fully approved. Travel may not be initiated, and funds will not be released until Mitacs has received all paperwork including the International Pre-Departure Form and Mitacs Student Code of Conduct and Ethics Form and the application has been approved.  
For questions about the application procedure, the matching process and the internship placement, please contact
For any other questions regarding the funding, please contact Mitacs International at
If you do not see your question here, we encourage you to read through the DAAD’s comprehensive FAQ page on their website for questions related to the RISE program in general.