The Mitacs Globalink Research Award (GRA) supports research collaborations between Canada and select partner organizations and eligible countries and regions.
Under the joint supervision of a home and host professor, successful senior undergraduate students, graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows will receive a $6,000 research award to conduct a 12- to 24-week research project in the other country. Awards are offered in partnership with Mitacs’s Canadian academic partners (and, in some cases, with Mitacs’s international partners) and are subject to available funding.
Program Overview
Questions? Contact
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible Institutions: TBC
Other requirements: N/A
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible Institutions:
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities:
All disciplines, but with a focus on:
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Website: Fundação Araucária Foundation
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions:
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities: Open to all disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Website: Consejo de Rectores de las Universidades Chilenas (CRUCH-FUDEA)
Travel direction: Travel from Canada only
Intern level: Full-time master’s and PhD students or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All European Union universities and research institutes
Other requirements: Open to successful MSCA RISE Award recipients
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All labs identified as UMR (Unité Mixte de Recherche)
Other requirements: 1 student per project maximum and the project must be in the field of quantum technologies
Research strengths or priorities: Quantum technologies
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Website: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All institutions covered by the FCRF program
Other requirements: Must be a recipient of FCRF Award. 1 intern maximum per project
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call ends October 31, 2024.
At this time, we have reached the quota of GRA awards we’re able to support through this partnership and we are no longer able to accept proposals.
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level:
Duration: 16-24 weeks
Eligible institutions: Centres de recherche INRIA:
Other requirements: Projects must include a minimum of 16 weeks at the host institution in order to be eligible
Research strengths or priorities:
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Website: Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique (Inria)
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: Any Inserm research unit
Other requirements: Must be a recipient of an Inserm award and receive an invitation to apply.
Research strengths or priorities: Health and medical sciences.
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Website: Inserm
Opportunities available only for the Quantum Campaign
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level:
– $9,000 Canadian Dollars for projects lasting 12 to 24 weeks
– $15,000 for projects lasting 24 to 36 weeks
Eligible institutions: Université de Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Other requirements: 1 intern maximum per project.
Research strengths or priorities:
Website: Université Grenoble Alpes
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level:
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: Université de Lorraine
Other requirements: Before applying, any candidate must first present their project at to ensure that UL and the supervisor at UL agree to cofund it.
Research strengths or priorities:
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Website: Université de Lorraine
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level:
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions:
Research strengths or priorities: Open to all disciplines, focus on Physical Sciences
Submission: submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Website: GSI
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions:
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities:
All disciplines, but with a focus on:
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Website: Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ Helmholtz Association)
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: KIT departments and KIT divisions
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Travel direction: Travel to Canada only
Intern level: Full-time master’s and PhD students
Duration: 24-48 weeks
Award: $12,000
Eligible institutions: RWTH Aachen University, NRC Collaboration Centres working with Canadian universities
Other requirements: Participant must be enrolled as a student at RWTH Aachen University. The project is required to come under an NRC Challenge or Supercluster Program
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to RWTH-Aachen University
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
**Applications on pause until further notice**
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All Max Planck Institutes in Germany and abroad are eligible – see
Research strengths or priorities: Open to all disciplines, focus on
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Website: Max Planck Society
Travel direction: Travel from Canada only
Intern level: Full-time master’s and PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 9 weeks
Award: $3,000 CAD + 534,000 yen + flight costs
Eligible institutions: All universities and research institutes in Japan based on JSPS projects
Other requirements: Participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: The call opens on October 1, 2024, and closes on November 13, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.
Website: JSPS website
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full time master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Eligible institutions: All universities in Korea
Other requirements: Participants applying to Canada must be Korean citizens or permanent residents of Korea. Participants applying from Canada must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
Research strengths or priorities: STEM fields
Call dates or open all year for submission:
Applications on pause until further notice
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD students and postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions:
Other requirements (Travel to Canada): Be a South African Citizen or permanent resident, be an NRF-funded doctoral student or postdoctoral fellow for the full duration of the Mitacs award
Research strengths or priorities: Open to all disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Call dates TBD
Website: National Research Foundation
Travel direction: Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All institutions in Taiwan
Other requirements: For inbound to Canada, applicants must be citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan). For outbound from Canada, applicants must be citizens of Canada.
Projects can accommodate up to a maximum of 3 interns.
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: January to November, 2024
Mandarin: 臺加雙邊人才研習計畫 | 國家實驗研究院 (
English: Taiwan-Canada Bilateral Fellowship Program | National Applied Research Laboratories (
**Applications on pause until further notice**
Travel direction: Travel to Canada
Intern level: Full-time senior undergraduates, master’s and PhD students, or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-48 weeks
Award: $6,000 to $12,000 (depending on duration)
Eligible institutions: All universities in Ukraine
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities: All disciplines
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year
Travel direction:Travel to Canada and travel from Canada
Intern level: Full-time PhD candidates or postdoctoral fellows
Duration: 12-24 weeks
Award: $6,000
Eligible institutions: All universities in the United Kingdom
Other requirements: N/A
Research strengths or priorities:
Submission: Submit to Mitacs through the local Mitacs Advisor
Call dates or open all year for submission: Open all year.
Website: British High Commission Ottawa
If you have a question on a specific international partner, please contact Étienne Pineault. For other questions, please contact the local Mitacs Advisor.
In addition to the Mitacs international partner offering (international partner stream), the program also supports research and travel to academic institutions between Canada and most countries (allocation stream).Mitacs supports collaboration and outbound mobility between Canada and all countries except those classified as “Avoid all travel” or “Avoid non-essential travel” by the Government of Canada. For inbound mobility, all countries are eligible except for Russia and North Korea.
Please note that this list is subject to change at any time and participants are required to check the status at the time of application and prior to travel. Additionally, participants must adhere to any regional “Avoid all travel” or “Avoid non-essential” travel advisories.
Please note the application process may vary depending on the Canadian university and the international partner. Please check with your local Mitacs Advisor to determine if your project fits the funding requirements for your institution or an international partner and to request the link to the GRA Application Portal.
Awards are offered in partnership with Mitacs’s academic partners (and in some cases with Mitacs’s international partners) and are subject to available funding. It is recommended applicants apply at least 16 weeks prior to their planned start date.
Application process
1. Review all eligibility and award guidelines from Mitacs, the international partner, and the Canadian institution.
2. Participants connect with one another to discuss project interests. Please note that Mitacs cannot connect interested applicants.
3. Academic supervisors at Canadian institutions obtain endorsement from the Canadian institution before preparing the application. Please contact your local Mitacs Advisor for more information on what kind of endorsement is required for your project, and how to receive the link to the GRA Application Portal.
4. Complete the application: in addition to completing all the fields in the portal, applicants will be required to submit a research proposal and a Mitacs Pre-Departure form. Additional information will be provided in the application portal.
5. Submit your complete application 16 weeks prior to project start date:
Please refer to the ‘International Partners’ section for partner-specific information.
Mitacs funds may be used to support the direct costs of research as specified in the Tri-Agency’s Financial Administration guidelines and in accordance with your academic institution’s guidelines for research expenses. Innovation projects in the Business Strategy Internship program are eligible to include direct project costs in accordance with the same guidelines. Please direct any questions about eligible expenses for Mitacs projects first to your academic institution and second to your Mitacs Advisor or grant management contact.
Additional eligible expenses (for both research and innovation projects) include:
The Mitacs Globalink Research Award is competitive with limited awards available. All applications will undergo review by an interdisciplinary team. Proposals will be adjudicated based on the following criteria:
Once applications are reviewed, outcome letters are typically issued 10-12 weeks after submission that provide the outcome of the review process and outline next steps.