The Globalink Graduate Fellowship provides $15,000 in financial support to former Globalink Research Interns (see updated eligibility below) who return to Canada for full master’s or PhD programs, or Postdoctoral fellowships at any Mitacs partner institution. Globalink alumni may apply for the fellowship at a different university than their Globalink Research Internship host institution.
Please note that Globalink Graduate Fellowships are not guaranteed. They are awarded as per eligibility requirements and subject to funding availability. If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in Canada, we suggest also considering other fellowships, scholarships, or grant opportunities in advance.
Benefits to students
The Globalink Graduate Fellowship offers former Globalink research interns:
The Globalink Graduate Fellowship provides $15,000 in financial support to former Globalink Research Interns returning to Canada for master’s or PhD programs, or as postdoctoral fellows at eligible Mitacs academic partners.
Successful candidates will receive their first $7,500 installment upon Mitacs’s receipt of proof of enrollment in their first semester, and the second $7,500 installment upon Mitacs’s receipt of proof of enrollment in a second consecutive term.
Only 2024 Globalink Research Interns, who have successfully completed their internship, are eligible to apply. Full master’s, PhD and postdoctoral fellowship programs are eligible. Graduate certificates, diplomas or other similar programs are not eligible.
Students must be enrolled and be in good standing in a full master’s or PhD program throughout their Globalink Graduate Fellowship tenure. Postdoctoral fellows must also adhere to these guidelines.
Applications from member institutions will be prioritized, and the number of approvals will be contingent on provincial funding. Please note that we will not be making any exceptions.
To apply for a Globalink Graduate Fellowship, applicants must:
Please note that due to university application cycles, we will accept interim letters from professors who have accepted students to work with them. This letter should be on an official university letterhead and contain the following information:
In order to release the funds, Mitacs would need an official letter from the university. So, we request applicants to send official letters of admission once received.
Fellowships are awarded at Mitacs’s discretion. We will notify fellowship recipients individually regarding their application status.
Mitacs may share the information provided below to the academic institution(s) interns have applied to. Mitacs will disclose the personal information included in this application form to our funding partners for the purpose of evaluating the program and its outcomes. Please refer to Mitacs Website Privacy Statement.
The GGF initiative will officially cease to be offered by 2025 and will, therefore, not be available to GRI 2025 interns.
The information below applies to student applicants.