How it works

Program Details

The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides a long-term funding and internship option for master’s and PhD students. Recipients can also access professional development training that helps them ensure project success and gain in-demand career skills.

Interested applicants can apply for the Accelerate Fellowship at any time. All other Accelerate program guidelines apply.



Contact for more information.


  • Eligibility is similar to standard Accelerate. The Accelerate Fellowship is for Masters and PhD students as a longer-term funding and internship option.
  • For-profit corporations and eligible not-for-profit corporations, municipalities, and hospitals in Canada
  • Eligibility of not-for-profit corporations, hospitals, and municipalities, as well as the project’s economic orientation for these partners, must be assessed prior to proposal submission
  • All sectors

How to Apply

  1. Review the following information when you begin writing your proposal:
  • Eligible research and adjudication criteria
  • Writing Your Proposal guide
  • Policies

  2.   Get feedback on the proposal from all participants and your Mitacs Advisor

  3.   Collect all required signatures: intern(s), professor(s), partner contact, and university Office of Research Services or equivalent

  4.   Email your proposal package to your Mitacs Advisor

Note: Interns travelling internationally (whether to or from Canada) for an Accelerate project must visit Accelerate International for additional instructions and requirements.

Please note that for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, running from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 there is limited funding available for Accelerate in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

For further details and before initiating an Accelerate application in the respective provinces, please contact your Mitacs Advisor

Proposals from British Columbia, Yukon, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador are not subject to restrictions.


  • Accelerate proposal (under Applications). Please note that only this latest version of the Mitacs Accelerate template proposal will be accepted.
  • Intern CV (interns may use Mitacs’s optional template [doc])

Please be sure to include supporting documents as required by your university or province.

For projects with international travel, you can submit the following documents after the submission of the proposal; however, funds will not be released until Mitacs receives these forms.

For travel abroad: 

International pre-departure form
Code of Conduct

For travel to Canada: 

International pre-departure form
Code of Conduct

What happens next 

  1. Peer review of your proposal will take approximately six to eight weeks. Proposals with multiple internships or that require revisions may take longer.
  2. Partner organizations will receive an invoice (refundable if not approved), so that the intern receives payment when the project begins
  3. Mitacs will contact all participants with the outcome and applicable instructions.
  4. Mitacs forwards the Accelerate funds to the academic institution upon receipt of the partner contribution and the proposal’s approval.

Application timeline


Questions? Consult the FAQs or reach out to

Additional resources for partner organizations:


Read our blog post


View our industry-survey infographic

Project Name Terms, Conditions & Policies
Mitacs Terms, Conditions & Policies

Program Administration

Mitacs invoices a partner organization upon submission of their Accelerate proposal. Upon receipt of the partner’s contribution, Mitacs forwards the research award to the Canadian academic institution. No funds will be released to the academic institution until the invoice has been paid and the proposal is approved. Mitacs has no control over when funds are administered by the academic institution. If you have questions about your Accelerate award after Mitacs has released funds, contact your academic institution’s Office of Research Services (or equivalent).

Mitacs’ policy is to take no position and claims no intellectual property (IP) from projects it funds. All Mitacs Accelerate participants are bound by the IP terms of the academic institution where the intern is enrolled. IP is left to be shared between the academic institution, its researchers, and the partner organization, according to the IP rules of the academic institution, unless a separate agreement is negotiated.

The following universities have developed their own IP terms for Mitacs projects:

Note that these IP agreements may not apply to joint applications with other funding organizations.

External reviewers for internship proposals receive the following questions to guide their assessment of the proposal:

  1. Mitacs Accelerate supports research-based internships. Does the proposed project qualify as research in its discipline?
  2. Is the project appropriate for the academic degree level of the intern(s)?
  3. Are the objectives clear?
  4. Is the methodology appropriate to achieve the objectives?
  5. Is the timeline realistic?
  6. Other comments and suggestions for the applicants. For example, is there prior work that should be considered by the researchers?
  7. Confidential comments for Mitacs:
  8. Will the research work potentially have adverse effects on the environment? Do you recommend that an additional environmental impact review be conducted?

Proposals for large and long-term projects may sometimes involve significant technical or scientific uncertainties, complex project management plans, or highly structured intern recruitment, supervision, and training plans. In these situations, Mitacs reserves the right to hold a review meeting between applicants and reviewers to support the assessment of such proposals before arriving at a final funding decision. The need for such a review meeting will be determined as part of the review process, and applicants will be notified as soon as possible if a review meeting needs to be scheduled.


The following steps outline the responsibilities of each Mitacs Accelerate participant before, during, and after their project. For projects with multiple internships, each intern is responsible for his or her individual steps. 

Mitacs Accelerate Terms and Conditions outline participants’ responsibilities in further detail — each participant is expected to understand and adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the program. 

  • Confirm the internship start date with your professor and partner. Notify Mitacs if your start date changes.
  • Develop a research plan with your professor and partner. Confirm intellectual property requirements with your academic institution.
  • Read and follow the Accelerate code of conduct.
  • Ensure appropriate insurance coverage, as necessary.
  • Start the internship only after funds have been forwarded to the academic institution.
  • For internships with international travel: International Pre-departure form and Code of Conduct must be received before the internship can begin.
  • Organize monthly status meetings and update Mitacs as necessary.
  • Spend approximately 50% of your time on site with the partner.
  • Spend approximately 50% of your time at the academic institution(s).
  • Maintain student or postdoc status at the university, or student status at the college, for the duration of your internship.
  • Consider taking a Mitacs Training workshop before or during your internship. Topics include essential interpersonal, project management, and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Complete a final report and submit it to Mitacs EDGE.
  • Intern must submit the final report no later than one month after the conclusion of the Accelerate internship
  • The final report template can be accessed on the EDGE platform and should:
  • Identify future research plans
  • Identify benefits for the partner organization
  • Summarize research goals, research techniques used, and research outcomes
  • Be no more than three pages in length 
  • Please upload completed final report to your EDGE profile
  • Complete the Accelerate Intern Exit Survey. You will receive an email from Mitacs with the survey link shortly after you complete your internship. 
  • Add your Accelerate internship and Training courses to your CV and LinkedIn profile  
  • Sign up for the newsletter (optional). As a participant in a Mitacs program, you can receive exclusive updates on job postings, funding and research opportunities, courses, and more.
  • Acknowledge all Mitacs-sponsored results, including work by professors, postdocs, other interns, and research associates with the following statement: “This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate program.”

  • Develop a research plan with the intern(s) and partner. Confirm intellectual property requirements with your academic institution.
  • Provide feedback to the intern(s) to improve the quality of the proposal.
  • Ensure appropriate insurance coverage, as necessary.
  • Confirm the internship start date with the intern(s).
  • Start the internship only after funds have been forwarded to the Canadian academic institution.
  • Take fiduciary responsibility for the Mitacs grant (Canadian university professors only).
  • Provide ongoing direction and research support to the student prior to and during the research project.
  • Attend monthly status meetings and update Mitacs as necessary.
  • Supervise the intern(s) during their internship activities at the academic institution.
  • Sign the final report.
  • Complete an exit survey.
  • Acknowledge Mitacs-funded results with the following: “This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate program.”

  • Develop a research plan with the intern(s) and professor(s).
  • Provide feedback to the intern(s) to improve the quality of the proposal.
  • Confirm the project start date with the intern(s).
  • Agree to protect and keep confidential intern(s)’s personal information with any third party, unless granted written permission by intern(s).
  • Ensure appropriate insurance coverage, as necessary.
  • Pay the contribution upon receipt of the Mitacs invoice. Projects can only begin after Mitacs has received the partner payment and forwarded the Accelerate grant to the academic institution. 
  • Attend monthly status meetings and update Mitacs as necessary.
  • Supervise the intern(s) during their on-site internship activities.
  • Provide access to the project site for an in-person assessment at Mitacs’s request.
  • Sign the final report.
  • Complete an exit survey.
  • Acknowledge Mitacs-funded results with the following: “This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate program.”

  • Mitacs Accelerate internships require the active participation of the intern, professor, and partner organization. All participants should attempt to fulfill their project obligations.If all parties are in agreement, a project or individual internship may be terminated. If one party wants to cancel the internship without other parties’ agreement, s/he must first notify them in writing and allow 30 days for resolution of outstanding issues.Any funds remaining after a cancelled internship must be returned to Mitacs.


Yes. Partner organizations are welcome to contribute additional funding but Mitacs will not provide any additional funding outside of the standard award. [This additional partner funding should be included in the application budget and the anticipated use of funds (e.g., stipend/salary top-up, specialized equipment)]. Top-up funds must be received at Mitacs at the same time as the minimum contribution and will be added to the annual award and forwarded to the university.

Interns are required to spend at least 50% of their internship on site with the partner organization. In exceptional circumstances, interns may spend less than half of the internship with their partner. Consult with your Business Development Specialist to determine if your project is eligible.

Mitacs does not have any restrictions on its recipients holding other grants.
You are responsible to determine if your other grants have such restrictions prior to applying to Accelerate.

Internships are 4–6-month units of a research project, valued at $15K per unit, with $7,500 from both the partner organization and Mitacs, to support post-secondary research projects. Funds flow through the academic institution with a stipend to the student at a minimum of $10K, with up to $5K to support research costs. Please refer to the Funding section for an illustrated explanation.

Mitacs cannot find partner organizations for individual interns. For tips on finding a partner organization, view the Research Partnerships 101 webinar, talk to your academic supervisor, or visit the Researchers Wanted page.

Please refer to Mitacs Conflict of Interest Policy (found in the downloadable General Mitacs Terms, Conditions & Policies zip file under How To Apply) for more details. If there is a conflict of interest, please discuss with your Mitacs Business Development representative before applying.

In order to apply for Mitacs Accelerate projects, you would need both an academic partner and a non-academic partner (e.g. a partner organization such as a for-profit or not-for-profit corporation) who would also be benefiting from the research.

For-profit corporations, including eligible intern-owned start-ups based at approved incubators, and eligible not-for-profit (NFP) corporations, municipalities, and hospitals can participate. Projects with an NFP, municipality or hospital partner must demonstrate an economic or productivity orientation, which must be described in the proposal and will be evaluated by the peer reviewers. Contact your Mitacs representative to verify eligibility of NFP, municipality, and hospital partners.
Partners in Canada and abroad must have an office or site where the intern(s) undertakes at least 50% of the internship.
If you’re not sure if a partner is eligible, contact a Mitacs representative or

Mitacs takes no position on intellectual property (IP). IP is to be shared between the academic institution, its researchers, and the partner organization according to the academic institution’s IP rules, unless a separate agreement is negotiated. Mitacs can facilitate IP discussions with any Canadian academic institution. Please refer to the Program Administration section for a list of academic institutions with their own IP policies for Mitacs projects.

Mitacs forwards Accelerate funds to the student’s academic institution only after it has received the contribution from the student’s partner organization. Please allow two weeks for processing upon receipt of this contribution. Interns travelling to Canada should be aware that their funding may not be available until they arrive in Canada. Mitacs recommends that interns contact their Canadian host university’s Office of Research Services prior to the project to determine when they can access funds.

Invoices must be paid in full to Mitacs prior to any internship funds being sent by Mitacs to the university. Please note that all partner funds must be sent directly to Mitacs and not to the university. The funds must be received in advance of the internship start date.

Certain requirements must be met to be eligible to request a project extension. Please see the criteria below and contact your Mitacs Advisor for next steps. If your case does not meet the criteria below, you may submit a new project funding application.

1. Applicants who have an approved Mitacs Accelerate project may apply for a funding extension of 1 internship unit (IU) per intern — to a maximum of 10 IUs per project. Applications for an extension can be submitted once the internship(s) being extended is/are at least 75% through their original timeline. The funding extension shall be used to:

• Complete the existing project in cases where the project has experienced delays due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., lack of access to facilities due to COVID-19, sample delays due to transportation, seasonal delays in fieldwork, etc.)

• Broaden the scope of the project (e.g., conducting additional tests, including additional samples, adding data sources for analysis, etc.)

• In either case, the request cannot be used to add new objectives or change existing project objectives.

2. Extensions must be requested within 4 months from when the intern completed their last IU on the project. In cases where a new intern is being added to the project, the request must be submitted within 4 months from the end of the last IU completed on the project.

3. If the extensions will be used to add a new intern to the project, a New Intern Profile form and the new intern’s CV will be required along with this completed form.

4. All interns must remain eligible (including respecting maximum internship allocation) to hold Mitacs internships for the duration of the extension period.

5. No discounts or enhanced leveraging options are available to fund the extension internships. Only standard funding models may apply, regardless of the funding models for the original project. Partner organizations are required to contribute additional funds for the extension period.

As the landscape around COVID-19 continues to change, our priority of supporting global public health remains steadfast. In response to these unprecedented times, Mitacs is making short-term modifications to our operations.
Please let us know which option below best meets your needs during the pandemic period:
A) Off-site: Mitacs is allowing work to take place virtually during this unprecedented time. In this case, we expect interns/fellows to follow partner and academic institution work from home procedures. We expect all participants to keep in close contact with each other, agreeing on expectations, and carrying out methodologies. Please confirm if this is the case.
B) Changes: We are also supporting changes to projects on a case-by-case basis. If your project is not able to continue in the current climate (e.g., indispensable infrastructure isn’t available), you can put your project on hold at any time — now or in the future. If you wish to do this, we invite the academic researchers and the partner organizations to discuss the best course of action. Please advise us of the exact or anticipated dates on which your project was/will be put on hold and when it will be resumed.
C) Other: If your project can carry on as originally planned, please let us know. If you need to make other modifications, please also let us know.
For more information on how to get the most out of your virtual experience, we recommend you review the Virtual Interactions Guide found in the General Mitacs Terms, Conditions and Policies zip file under How To Apply. Or, refer to the Mitacs Virtual Interactions Resources online session on the EDGE portal.

Mitacs Accelerate internships require the active participation of the intern, professor, and partner organization. All participants should attempt to fulfill their project obligations.
If all parties are in agreement, a project or individual internship may be terminated. If one party wants to cancel the internship without other parties’ agreement, s/he must first notify them in writing and allow 30 days for resolution of outstanding issues.
Any funds remaining after a cancelled internship must be returned to Mitacs. For more information, please refer to the downloadable General Mitacs Terms, Conditions & Policies zip file found under How To Apply.

Participants should check their spam or junk folder. If they still haven’t received it, they should contact

The Mid-Term surveys are mid-term checks that are sent to Accelerate Interns & the partner organizations at the midpoint of each internship unit on the project, to check-in and ensure that the internship started as originally proposed, to address any issues, and to offer an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback to the Accelerate team during the internship.

Participants should receive an invitation within the 30 days following the completion of their internship/fellowship.