News Release
Mitacs launches Accelerate industry partners’ survey

Vancouver, BC — Mitacs is pleased to announce the launch of our longitudinal survey for Accelerate business partners. This review will build on the success of last year’s Accelerate longitudinal intern survey. Mitacs values the feedback provided by all past partners and participants of our programs. Such feedback allows for continual program evaluation and improvements. Mitacs is […]

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News Release
Canada–France research exchange agreement signed during President Hollande’s visit

Ottawa, ON, Nov. 3, 2014 — Mitacs and Campus France signed a memorandum of understanding to promote research exchanges between Canada and France under Mitacs’ Globalink program. Mitacs is a Canadian not-for-profit research and training organization that works with all Canadian universities. Campus France is a public institution in charge of promoting higher education and […]

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News Release
The power of partnerships prevails: Five Canadian Organizations join forces in support of applied sport science research

Victoria, BC — Mitacs, Own the Podium, Orpyx Medical Technologies (“Orpyx”), the University of Victoria and the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific have joined forces to provide a new opportunity for applied sport science research. These forward-thinking organizations are collaborating on a project with PhD candidate Samuel Blades from the University of Victoria’s Department of Exercise Science, […]

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News Release
Government of Canada announces new research projects to bring genomics solutions to industry challenges

October 15, 2014, Wallenstein, Ontario – The Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State (Science and Technology) and Dr. Pierre Meulien, President and CEO of Genome Canada, are pleased to announce the first 12 projects selected for funding under Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP). The announcement was made at Wallenstein’s Feed & Supply Ltd., […]

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News Release
NEOMED and Mitacs announce first partnership project

Montreal, October 2, 2014 – NEOMED, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to serve as a bridge between academic research and the pharmaceutical industry, along with Mitacs, an organization developing the next generation of innovators in Canada, are announcing the selection and launch of the first project in their strategic partnership.  The selected project is […]

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News Release
Mitacs pre-budget submission outlines opportunities for R&D investment

VANCOUVER — In response to pre-budget consultations for the Government of Canada’s Budget 2015, Mitacs provided a submission that recognizes the critical links between skills training, research and development (R&D), and innovation.   Mitacs’s submission identifies areas where Canada can leverage its excellent research talent pool to improve innovation performance. Specifically, Mitacs makes recommendations to increase […]

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News Release
Mitacs and Inria foster international research collaborations

VANCOUVER — Mitacs and Inria formalized a partnership to support two-way international research opportunities for graduate researchers at Canadian universities and at eight Inria Research Centres in France. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Mitacs — a Canadian not-for-profit organization that connects university-based researchers with businesses and government — and Inria, the French […]

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News Release
Proteocyte Diagnostics initiates a cost-effectiveness analysis with support from Mitacs

Toronto — Proteocyte Diagnostics Inc. of Toronto announced their collaboration with Mitacs Accelerate to conduct an economic evaluation of its predictive technology for the early detection of oral cancer. “We’ve partnered with Mitacs before with great success,” said Dr. Mario Thomas, Chief Commercialization Officer of Proteocyte Diagnostics. “The intent of this study is to show the value […]

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News Release
Tunisia and Mitacs agree to foster international research exchanges

Ottawa — Tunisia and Mitacs, a Canadian not-for-profit research and training organization, signed a letter of intent with a view to working together in promoting research exchanges between the two countries. The agreementwas signed by Tunisian Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and ICT, Tawfik Jelassi and Mitacs interim CEO and Scientific Director, Rob Annan. The […]

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News Release
Mitacs announces strategic R&D partnership initiative with universities in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario

Vancouver, BC – Mitacs, a national, not-for-profit  training and research organization, announced a set of strategic partnerships to fund the creation and training of four Business Development Specialist roles, based at University of British Columbia – Okanagan, University of Calgary, Carleton University and Western University, all with the mandate to advance key industry-academia research partnerships. […]

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News Release
Government funding for B.C. researchers’ business and science skills

VANCOUVER – The provincial government is providing $3 million to support cutting-edge research through Mitacs, a not-for-profit research and training organization, Health Minister Terry Lake announced today. “The funding we are announcing today will help Mitacs support its trainees to further cultivate their business and scientific skills,” said Lake. “This will help them in developing innovative discoveries to assist […]

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News Release
Mitacs congratulates Dr. B. Mario Pinto on his appointment as President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Mitacs welcomes the appointment of Dr. B. Mario Pinto as the next president of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). “We congratulate Dr. Pinto as he takes on the presidency at NSERC. His accomplishments in practical research along with his experience in innovation leadership will ensure the council continues its mandate […]

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