Media Coverage
Global TV Calgary – Mitacs Globalink at the University of Calgary

Mitacs Globalink Research Interns Adrian Gil and Mónica Arias of Mexico speak about the research they’re doing at the University of Calgary to Global Calgary News. Mitacs would like to thank the following government and international partners, in addition to our full and associate university partners, for their support of Globalink in 2013: Western Economic […]

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Media Coverage
Globe & Mail – Internships benefit scholars and industry

Just one of four PhD graduates becomes a professor, which begs the question of how to capitalize on the talents of those not headed for academia. One answer, many believe, is internships at the master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral level. Such programs give young scholars an early taste of working in industry and help Canadian companies […]

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Media Coverage
Sudbury Mining Solutions Journal – Research assesses heat stress on older miners

Research carried out by kinesiologist Heather Wright of the University of Ottaw apromises to shed light on the impact of extreme heat on older miners. Commissioned by Vale and funded in part through the Mitacs –Accelerate research internship program, the study may influence guidelines dictating a miner’s exposure to extreme heat, the frequen­cy and number of breaks they […]

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Media Coverage
Saanich News – Prying doctors from their pagers

In the fall of 2010, Ben Moore paced the halls of Victoria General Hospital as an worry-ridden dad whose newborn daughter was suffering complications. He lived outside of the neonatal intensive care unit for two months, and noticed – as a telecommunications engineer and a guy who owned a smartphone – that communication between patients, […]

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Media Coverage
Waterloo Record – Program that matches interns to businesses gets funding boost

KITCHENER – A program that matches graduate student interns to businesses looking to develop new products or improve efficiency has received an $8.4-million funding boost from the Ontario government. The money for the Mitacs Accelerate program will help businesses across the province hire about 1,400 graduate students for four-month internships over the next two years.

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Media Coverage
Financial Post online – Funding opportunities for the academic and research sector

Academic and research institutions are crucial to driving Canada’s innovation economy—that’s why governments across the country offer over 2000 funding programs supporting this sector. In Budget 2010, the federal government announced a comprehensive review of support for research and development (R&D) activities in Canada, which resulted in what is often referred to as the Jenkins […]

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